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3.4 billion dollars from the US stimulus package to be spent on an update of America's national electricity grid

BP profits in the third quarter...

South Korean GDP growth at 7 year high

UK top-managers' bonuses decrease but their salaries grow
Elena Solodyankina says:

Record recession for UK economy

Can Gazprom's South Stream be completed before Nord Stream?

- China's GDP grows by nearly 9% in the third quarter

- Russia's Federal Customs Service drops case against Bank of New York

Mervin King warns: bank split needed

BAA agrees Gatwick airport sale

Russia's finance minister Kudrin announces reccession is over

Simultanious progress for Russia in two energy projects: Nord Stream and South Stream

Oil price approaching $ 80

Russia to issue bonds worth $18 billion

Russia, Kazakhstan and Byelorussia seek to join the WTO individually

Google sees record $1.6bn profit

Dollar falls to 14-month low vs euro

The Russian Ministry of industy and trade warns that it is impossible to avoid bankruptcy of russian automaker...

UK unemployment goes up to 2.47m

The decline in Chinese exports slows in September, suggesting improvements in economies elsewhere in the world.



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