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-The G7 Misters of Finance are discussing the implementation of G20 plans.
-Head of Microsoft explains how the company was affected by financial...

Central Bank of Russian Federation cuts interest rate

Russian monetary reserves have grown 900 million dollars within a week

IMF downgrades its forecast for the world economy

United States Secretary of the Treasury speaks of stronger credit makets and reviving trust in...

Россия и Китай подписали долгорочное соглашение о поставке российской нефти в обмен на предоставление крупных кредитов нефтяным...

Bank of America reports income of over 4 billion dollars in the first quarter

Exxon Mobile tops the Fortune list of 500 largest American companies

Corporate reports - banking sector improves performance despite financial crisis

Court jails Pirate Bay founders

China's GDP growth slowed to 6.1% - dream figure for many countries

UK government plan to boost electric car sales

Swiss bank UBS to cut almost 9,000 jobs

EBay plans Skype public listing

Goldman Sachs shows stronger-than-expected results and promises to repay emergency loan

Yukos investors can get a chance to get money back from...

Thai currency plummets, zimbabwean - ceases to exist

Gazprom preferres NOT to recieve Turkmen gaz



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