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Portugal has managed to borrow over $1 billion in a bond action

Russian oil companies have stopped supplies to Belorussia from January 1.

Lisbon insists it will not ask for EU and IMF bail-out

China denies any involvement in industrial espionage scandal involving French car maker...

Bangladesh clashes as shares dive

Brazil warns of global trade war

British government reconciled to banks paying out billions in bonuses

Renault executives suspected in passing sensitive information to Chinese rival

'Bad management' led to BP spill

Renault warns of threat to assets

Oil price 'is risk to recovery'

Food price index hits highest level ever

Australia floods might cause a new global food crisis; Facebook attracts another half a billion dollars from Goldman Sachs and Russian investor...

Business special: Global Review 2010

Business special: Global Forecast 2011

Business special: Deals and Scandals-2010



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