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Bank of England downgrades UK growth outlook

Dispute between Norilsk Nikel stakeholders has moved to the London court

The cost of the extreme heat and fires in Russia is estimated at $15 billion, or about 1% of gross domestic product

Export ban might last beyond...

Wheat prices go down, but food inflation threat is still strong

Rosnano eyes controlling stake in Cambridge company Plastic Logic

Heatwave in Russia: energy usage surges

Blackberry's big selling point becomes a problem in the Gulf

Russia imposes a ban on grain imports, world prices soar; what are Russia's business interests in South Africa?

BP's incoming CEO heads to Russia to build bridges and possibly discuss assets sale

Heat in Russia could affect ... car prices

Wheat prices rise at fastest rates in more than 30 years

BP's partners in Macondo well reluctant to pay their share of the clean up bill

Chinese manufacturing output slows to 17-month low

HSBC sees profits double to $11bn

California's state budget could run out of money by october

Russian internet group DST plans London IPO

IMF approves $15bn loan to Ukraine

New High Street bank opens doors



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