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US recession 'longest since WWII

Medvedev: Russia can resume its grain export earlier than expected

Hong Kong closes gap in Global Financial Centres Index, Moscow named as runner-up for 'Financial centre' title

British companies could become first ...

Russian rouble has set a 6-month record, losing its value for the third day in a row.

U.S. Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner is expected to take a...

Личная лента добавлен 16.09.10 11:55

Шестнадцатый выпуск вопросов и ответов по продвижению сайтов на Shakin.ru.

The Japanese government intervenes in currency markets for the first time in more than six years to try to stem the yen's sharp rise.


US investment fund could become second largest shareholder in VTB apart from the Russian state

Cuba to cut a million public jobs

Basel III - the smallest banks and financial organizations will suffer

Global Finance 'Reliable banks list': no Russian banks

New banking sector regulations expected in Basel

OPEC marks its 50th anniversary

Food prices continue to rise in Russia, new export ban possible: on sunflower oil and seeds

'Savenornickel.net': RUSAL starts roadshow in the run up...

Russian banker community's views on new bank secrecy proposals

Belorussia becomes a supplier of cheaper second-hand foreign cars to Russia



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