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UN forecast: in the next 10 years food prices could rise as much as 40%

French government plans to raise the retirement age to trim public deficit.

BP credit rating downgraded by Fitch

Swiss parliament approves of US-UBS tax-evasion deal

Obama wants BP to set up special fund for claims

IMF, ECBank and Eurozone officials - check on Greece's progress in reducing budget deficit.

Gazprom chairman: it is "too early" to talk about BP's ability to do business in Russia

US Boeing is offered a chance to assemble heavy plane...

World Bank predicts world economy growth around 3% in 2010-2011

US pressure on BP is seen in Britain as "politically motivated"

Ukraine refuses to return 11 bn cubic meters of gas to RosUkrEnergo

Russian governmen plans steep increases in alcohol tax

EU supports more budget scrutiny

Spanish public sector strikes over pay cuts

Germany and Britain prepare to make 'difficult decisions' on government spendings

Gasprom will export gas to China - but not from TNK-BP's Kovykta...

BP defers dividend cut decision

Easyjet tests volcanic ash sensor

TNK-BP unit files for bankruptcy

JP Morgan gets record $49m fine



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