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Shares and oil prices surge after EU loan deal

BP wrestles with oil spill hitch in Gulf of Mexico

Greece and "fat finger error" could be blamed for US market plunge

Investors weary of "peripheral" markets and pull out of "unstable" currencies

ECB President dismissed prospect of Greece default, euro hits new lows

Bad debts in Russia seem to fall for the fist time since the beginning of...

Investors wait on Greece rescue

Hewlett-Packard in $1bn Palm deal

Greece crisis: Investor fears grow

AOL sells ICQ to Russian internet company

Goldman boss to go on defensive

Ford Posts Profit, Raises Outlook

Greece crisis hits investor confidence again

World Bank agrees to capital rise

Finance ministers of G20 discuss new tax on banks

Greek prime-minister has formally asked for help

Obama administration pushing for financial overhaul

Russia to raise $5.5bn via Eurobond sale

Russia agrees to discount Ukraine gas export

IMF proposes new bank taxes to fund bail-outs



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