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BA strike will cost airline ?7m a day, it says

Potanin's Prof Media shelves plans for London IPO

Russia prepares for first in 12 years eurobond issue

Rio Tinto executive 'admits bribery' at China trial

Rio Tinto signs mining deal with China's Chinalco

Ukraine says law on gas concessions almost ready

Личная лента добавлен 19.03.10 11:06

Второй выпуск подкаста на Shakin.ru, посвященного новостям Google, Яндекса и других...

World Bank suggests Belorus as an example of sound state regulation of the economy

Rosneft attempts to fight US and British courts injunctions in...

Belorus president vows to open Europe's market to Venezuelan oil

Michael Jackson's estate signs contract with Sony worth more than 200 million...

European finance ministers discuss bailout plan for Greece

China rejects Barack Obama's call to change yuan policy

Russia and India are going to develop cooperation in the sphere of energy production.

Top managers of Lehman Brothers are accused of actionable...

Inflation in China in February hits 16-months record

TNK-BP will receive compensation if it loses Kovykta license, says Russian top-official

China's exports see big increase

3D television will be on sale soon



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