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The UK economy shrank by 0.8 per cent between April and June, more than double the figure economists had expected.

The world latgest diamon...

US President Barack Obama has defended his plans for health reform

GM rejects Beijing Auto bid for Opel

- Russian Ministry of Finance might spend 1 trillion 350 billion roubles of Reserve Fund to cover budget deficit in the third quarter
- Gazprom might...

-Financial crisis might cost the US government 23, 7 US dollars

-Gazprom buys more gaz in Central Asia

-Financial crisis might cost the US government 23, 7 US dollars
-Gazprom buys more gaz in Central Asia

- Last day to bid for Opel
- Rouble at two-week high

Личная лента добавлен 20.07.09 09:02

Дорогие друзья, предлагаю Вам послушать очередной выпуск рубрики Ответы на вопросы по продвижению сайтов на shakin.ru.

-Turkmenistan signs exploration deal with Nabucco partner German company RWE

- New Russian law on trade punishes retailers for shopping area...

China's economy grows faster than expected despite crisis

Russian companies owe more than $7 bln salaries

OECD recommends that Russia cut rates and let the rouble weaken to get out of recession

Wal-Mart eyes Russian chain Kopeika



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