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Chinese economy will grow faster, than expected

New level of Russian-Belarus struggle

Gazprom and China fail to reach agree over gas supplies.

French bank Soci?t? G?n?rale will provide credit for Russian car manufacturer AvtoVaz.

BRIC countries will seek an alternative to dollar as a world reserve currency. But - over time.

Eurozone faces losses of about $300 bln of bad debts...

Личная лента добавлен 16.06.09 11:28

Первое аудио интервью на shakin.ru - Алексей Терехов, автор популярного блога terehoff.com.

International Labour Organisation holds summit to discuss global jobs crisis

BRIC countries' drive to increase their global influence

G8 finance ministers to decide when to start business as usual

Latvia saved from bancrupcy

Brazil says it's to lend ten billion dollars to the International Monetary Fund

President Obama on Wall Street bonuses: "shameful"

Belorussia is told Russian ban on milk imports is a "technicality"

US court helped Fiat-Chrysler takeover deal

World's biggest banks strive to repay government aid

Royal Dutch Shell to pay $15.5 mln to settle Nigeria deaths case

Ukraine has paid for gas - just in time

Telenor's VimpelCom shares are getting prepared for a forced sale



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