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BP sells assets to pay for spill
Mining giants abandon merger

BP sells assets to pay for spill
Mining giants abandon merger

Rosneft buys PDVSA's 50 percent stake in four Ruhr Oil refineries in Germany.

China tells United States not to use yuan as scapegoat

Russia launches population census; AOL may acquire Yahoo

Gulf oil drilling ban ends early?; Ukraine files lawsuit against Gazprom and Naftogaz

French trade unions launch third wave of protests over pension reform

New anti-corruption centre presented to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin

The U.S. will try to intensify pressure on China over its exchange-rate policy

Alexey Kudrin was named "The Finance minister of the Year" by...

US sees 95,000 jobs lost in September

The Group of 20 finance ministers will try to soothe currency tensions

China warns EU off yuan pressure

Georgia can stop Russia joining WTO

IMF: Global growth would be a lower-than-expected in 2011

EU and South Korea signed a free-trade agreement



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