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Vimpelcom joins global cellco top five with Orascom deal

Bank of Japan cut its official lending rate

Wen Jibao pledged to support EU recovery; Russia eyes cigarette ad ban

US and Russia clear all problems regarding WTO membership

BMW to recall 350,000 luxury cars

China issues US yuan bill warning

Irish banking system bailout - equivalent to fifth of annual national income

EU commission will fine European countries which borrow too much

Rosneft negociates with Gazprom its gas supplies to China

Markets did not react to Moscow mayor's sacking

IMF will conduct mandatory check-ups of the financial sector of 25 systemically-important countries

Does China need Russian gas?

Beijing and Washington in a new trade war

Nomura predicts: price rises are likely to continue for the next few years

Russian government confirms plans to reach pre-crisis growth figures by...

Russia's inflation at 6% from 1st of January

China hits out over yuan criticism

Key Obama economy adviser to quit

Moscow will use its food reserve to curb inflation



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