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- Russia’s central bank allowed futher rouble devaluation
- Oil prices rise above $45

-Foreign cars sales dropped in Russia
-Congress to vote on a $15 billion plan to keep U.S. automakers afloat

Russia and China are most likely to use bribes when doing business abroad

Sony will cut 8,000 jobs and close down factories

Share markets around the world have rallied

Falling oil prices can lead to sharp devaluation of rouble in December or January

Financial crisis hits house market in Russia

- The price of crisis for Russia
- The problems of Russian banking sector

pkg from Voronezh and can Russia cope with cheap oil?

Small business in Voronezh copes with crisis

Ice-cream from Siberia - story of successful businessman from Novosibirsk

And quite the opposit story of milk factory in Voronezh

How big is the impact of economic crisis on people who live in Russian Siberian town Novosibirsk



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