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Russian markets go on a rollercoaster ride
Germany has officially entered into recession

Russian Central Bank puzzled analysts by raising key interest rates

Dollar rose to another 30-month record-high against the ruble

Russian rouble falls: is this really a devalvation?

-Fitch Ratings lowered its outlook on Russia from stable to negative
-world stocks' indexes rise sharply

-Russian Bank of Development is saved from bankruptcy
-Redundancies in Russian banks
-Urgent mesures on the Ukrainian market of foreign ezchange

-IMF approves $16,5 billion stabilization package for Ukraine
-Obama has to improve economic climate in the US

-Stocks went up sharply after Obama's to be president and drop as Medvedyev addresses teh nation
-what Obama presidency mean for the US economy

Ukraine in on the brink of recession
Oil prices keep falling
Car sales in the US slump

-Europe is facing recession, sais European Comission

-IMF needs more money. Brown calls countries from Middle East to lend more money to MFI

Russian Central Bank reserves are shrinking
Vodafone is coming to russian market



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