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American economy is shrinking and is on the brink of recession

Interest rate cut in the US 'won't prevent recession'

Why is Hungary asking for help from the IMF?

Peter Mandelson is confident about British business in Russia

Russian Markets recover

Russia China oil agreement

-stock markets are closing in moscow because of financial fall
-are russian airlines in danger of becoming bankrupts?
-OPEC loered oil production by...

Russia would like to influence price forming for oil
Aeroflot is interested in Sibir air company
Markets show fear of global recession

Russia, Qatar and Iran create gas cartel

Belarus requests stabilization loan from IMF

Russian government promises that rouble will not crash

Is there enough money in budget to help Russian economy?

-For the first time in many years Chinese economy is slowing down.

-How did financial crisis influence on Kazakhstan?

-In the USA there have been...

- Russian parliament consider budget proposals to support the financial system

- Mining companies are suffering from the slowdown of the industrial...

-European and Russian markets were down following hefty falls in Asia

- Gazpom buys out Sobinbank, experts are talking about bank crisis



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